How to Write THE BEST About Page (with examples).


Most small business owners use their about page as a montage of personal facts and never fail to let their audience know that they love coffee. No really, they LOVE it.

But this is a huge missed opportunity. Your about page is a way to connect with your audience while driving home the value that you offer. These are the 6 things you should include on your homepage to connect with your audience, relay your value, and get them in your circle.



Write an About Page that Works.


  1. Who you are + How you can help the reader.

  2. What You Offer.

  3. A deeper dive into your story AS IT RELATES to your ideal audience. Explain how you were once in their shoes.

  4. Why someone should work with you/buy from you. What makes you unique?

  5. Your opt-in.

  6. Any credentials.


1.) Who You Are + How You Help

  1. Briefly introduce yourself like you would a stranger. Meaning, don’t share your whole life story.

  2. Include a high-quality photo of yourself.

  3. How can you help the person that is visiting your page? In the example below, I help business owners grow their business with a professional website.

  4. Offer value. This is usually a free resource. I tie this in at the end by helping my site visitors hook site visitors with homepage headline examples.



The example is from Kaitlyn at Copy Uncorked. She tells her audience right out the gate that she built her business to serve. Then, she shares values that her ideal audience will resonate with while simultaneously giving us a glimpse into her personality. Who doesn’t love a good cab?


2.) What You Offer.

You should already include this on your homepage as well as a designated services page. But, people who want a quick rundown of who you are and what you do will head to your about page. So, you’d be remiss to exclude your offerings here. Make it brief and link to your full services or shop page.


3.) Your Story.

The purpose of this section is to relate to your audience. I harp on this all the time because so many people think the about page is just to share fun facts about themselves. There are many ways to approach your story. I chose to share my values/desires for my life. These are values I know my ideal audience care about and so they will resonate with it.



4.) Why You?

You’re not the only one selling what you’re selling. So, why should anyone buy from you? List out the reasons why you are unique and why clients will love working with you.


5.) Your opt-in or lead magnet.

If getting people on your email list is a priority (and it should be), you will want to include your lead magnet on every page of your website.


7.) Credentials or features.

While this will also be on your homepage (see the 10 must-have elements of a homepage), you should also include it on your about page. Below is an example from Marie Forleo’s website because I’m not as famous as her…yet.


Comments or questions? Send me a message at


My name is Sarah and I’m your gal for Squarespace and Small Biz Tips.

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